Monday, May 16, 2005


I wasn't really sure how I was going to start this blog out. I've been banging around some ideas in my head on posting entries about what I'm reading, life lessons applied to database administration, and opinionated best practices. While I will certainly post entries on those topics (and many others), a recent event prompted me to kick this monster off.

I regularly post answers to questions in the forums on I believe one of the ways to become a better DBA is to try to solve problems encountered in everyday situations. By exposing yourself to other peoples problems, you gain diagnostic skills you might need in your own environment. In addition, you might just learn something in the process.

Some of my contemporaries have had issues posting on Burleson Consulting's Forums. I've met DB at the NC Oracle User’s Group a few years back and thought he was a reasonable fellow. Surely, I thought my contemporaries were exaggerating the owner's heavy handed administration of the forums. So I joined on and started answering questions. Later that day I got a personal email from DB. I answered a few dozen questions and thought I abided by all the forum guidelines. I thought I answered questions fairly.

Then I disagreed with DB and was promptly banned.

So here I am, the latest member of the BBB Club. Does that put me in the same leauge as Tom Kyte? Hardly. Will I continue to answer your questions at Absolutely.


Tarry Singh said...

Morons like DKB and the latest DBAsupport thing about banning will only result in giving birth to such more "open" and "honest" blog's kind of places.

I declare Burleson Consulting a piece of crap and abig joke. And hope that they soon close their shop and go nack to horse breeding.

David Aldridge said...

I think that there is no better way to start a blog than this. You were doing good work there, Jeff, and it's a shame to see it gone.

Bill S. said...

Wow Jeff, didn't realize you had started a blog until I read Dizwell's forum. You know, you just have to look on the bright side - more people will read your stuff now that you are no longer behind the Iron Curtain. Open discussion (and disagreement) should be the rule in a forum.

Blog on!

Peter K said...

Oh goody, another blog to add to my list to monitor.

Robert Vollman said...


Welcome to the blogging club. I also joined the club (

And Jurij, many of the blogs, like David Aldridge's for instance, have a lot of Oracle content, so you should be able to stay in shape! :)


Jeff Hunter said...

So instead of trying to stay in good "Oracle shape" by reading (and trying to answer) other's database related problems, I'm spending more and more time reading about what some well known Oracle-related guys (or should I say: two experts and a bunch of scientists/script-kiddies) have in mind in more general-life area.

I still answer questions on, I've just become a little more choosey in the topics I want to be involved in. Sometimes I'm using the blog to give a more detailed explanation about things that come up in the forums. I think Dave Aldridge is trying to do the same thing (on those days he's not calling certain individuals that shall remain nameless out on the carpet).