The initial discussion started along the lines of “You should investigate Transportable Tablespaces. I think they are supported across platforms in 10g.” Decent enough idea, I suppose.
Then this particular user chimes in and says:
Db upgrade accross platforms has Exp/Imp as the only option available.
Ah, here’s my chance. Those were my exact sentiments a couple years ago until somebody pointed out you could setup both databases and copy data with a database link. Another person said you could unload/load comma separated data. OK, some maybe not very practical, but still a possibility. Just for the sake of argument, I posted:
100% UNTRUE. You could unload/reload ASCII files, you could use dblinks, you could use Quest's replication product.You should be careful when dealing with absolutes.
OK, maybe a little harsh, but to the point. So Mr. Exp/Imp pipes up and says:
Sure Jeff
Following are excerpts from Metalink doc 277650.1:
The Export and Import utilities are the only method that Oracle supports for moving an existing Oracle database from one hardware platform to another. This includes moving between UNIX and NT systems.
He thinks he as me against the ropes now. If Metalink says it, it must be true. To which I reply:
surprise, surprise, metalink is wrong.
Do I get enjoyment out of proving somebody wrong? Not usually. But there is a lot of bad information out there and I don’t like perpetuating it.