Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oracle SQL Developer

I got used to using Oracle's Raptor when it first came out. It had some quirks, but in general it filled a niche that was missing in the Linux/Unix development environment.

I have installed the production version of Oracle SQL Developer (aka Raptor) and have let a limited group of users know about it. It seems like a lot of the Java exception errors have been fixed and the pointer control is pretty good.

One thing that I found was it is registers a funky PID in v$session.process when you login. The v$session view usually shows a fake PID (1234) for other JDBC Thin sessions, but somehow SQL Developer registers the process id as "pid@hostname". That definitely helps in identifying sessions.

OS Authenticated users don't work, but I wouldn't expect them to work with the Thin driver anyway. Maybe there's an option to use the OCI driver where available?

If the beta users find it stable, I'll unleash it on the general public Monday.


Beth Breidenbach said...

Our "techie" users LOVE this client, since the Raptor beta.

The biggest gotcha we saw was when queries sometimes couldn't be cancelled by the users. (They'd think the query cancelled, but it'd keep running, and running, and running.)

Forum posts indicate that's been resolved with the current version ( Now I just have to get them to download it...

Harry said...

How "techie" are your test users? We've got non-tech people who use TOAD for some things - browsing data mainly, these are what would be called power users except I hate that term. If SQL Developer was an option for them, we could unload some TOAD licenses.

Jeff Hunter said...

By "users", I mean developers. Pretty technical people...